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Filter the Product Spreadsheet

How to Filter the Product Spreadsheet


Filtering the Product Spreadsheet is a great way to make calculated changes/additions to products in bulk. Utilizing this feature helps make store building faster and more accurate!


1) Select Product Spreadsheet on the Left-Hand menu


2) Use the top row to select how you want to filter the products



A) Use the text field to search for products using the style numbers, name of the product, and any keywords within the product name like "Youth, Ladies, etc."


B) Filter the Product Spreadsheet  to only look at one specific Vendor at a time by selecting the "Vendors" drop-down menu. This is useful for Cutter and Buck Items that do not charge Oversize Fees. You could filter by Cutter and Buck items then select all and turn off "Over Size Fees". 


C) If you have created categories in your store then you will see the "Categories" filter bar. Here you can filter to only look at the products assigned to the categories selected (More than one category can be selected at a time). This is a great way to only look at the products within a category for you to reorder how the products are displayed. *See Rearrange the Products Help Page for mor info*


D) Here you can filter to only look at the products assigned to the Processes that have been created. This is a great way to select all products that need an option hidden from being offered to customers without accidently hiding personalization options offered on another process. *See Hide Options in Bulk help page for more details*


How to Clear Filters Easily


You can easily clear out all the filters you've made on the product spreadsheet by selecting the  button in the upper-right corner, returning the Product Spreadsheet back to it's unfiltered state.