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Replacing/Adding a Product Image

How to update/Change the Displayed Product Images


There may be times you are reusing a custom product and want to update the old product image. There may also be times where you have a back image that Chipply did not and want to display the back image. This is how you can upload any image you'd like to have displayed on the store. Here is how to change/add product image(s) displayed on the store.


1) Select "Products" from the Left-Hand menu


2) Find the product you wish to update the display image on and select 


3) Scroll down and select 


4) Find the product color you wish to update and select 


5) Here you have the opportunity to upload up to 4 product images. "Image 1:" will always be the image displayed on the store front. All the other images will appear after the product is selected on the store.



6) Select  for "Image 1" and that will open your computer files. Find the image you wish to upload to be the display image on the store. 


7) Repeat step 6 for the following 3 images to upload a total of 4 product images.


How to Swap the Front Image on the Store to the Back Image


1) Select "Products" from the Left-Hand menu


2) Find the product you wish to swap the front image for the back image and select 


3) Scroll down and select 


4) Find the product color you wish to update and select 


5) Right click the back of the image and select "Save image as..." (After selecting this the download may "fail", you simply need to expand the download and select "Resume" and it will prompt you to select where you wish to save the image.


6) Repeat step 5 for the front image


7) Select  for "Image 1" and upload the back image here


8) Repeat step 7 for "Image 2" and upload the front image


9) Select