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Color Assignments

How to Assign Color Variations with Color Assignments


If you have ever seen a white box on the product image instead of the artwork, it's a good indicator you need to go to the "Color Assignment" page on the left-hand menu.




You are seeing this because you have uploaded "Color Variations" on the artwork assigned to the products and either "Standard Colors" were not selected, or the product's color does not fall into a "Standard Color". (See Below for Example)



This is the Most Efficient Way to Assign Color Variations Manually

1. Go to the Color Assignment page on the left-hand menu.

2. An alert at the top will let you know which artworks need Color Assignment - filter by these artwork(s).



3. Click Filter by Decoration and then "Assign a Variation".

4. Find the least common color on the store - check the boxes for this color, then click Assign Variations on the bottom. Assign the correct variation. Once assigned, that color will disappear as it no longer applies to the Assign a Variation filter.

5. Move on to your next least common color. Continue these steps until you are left with your most common color.

6. When the only color left is your most common color, simply Check All, and bulk assign the variation.

7. Once all colors have been assigned, the alert will disappear from the top and you will no longer have any colors left that apply to the Assign a Variation filter.