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Basic Settings

Here are all the Settings fields explained!


1) Sales ID: This is the store identifier automatically generated by Chipply when you create a store. Use this to help you find the exact store you're looking for.


2) Store Name: This is the name that will appear to you in your store records. *Note: If you change this here, it will not change the store name on the Branding page.


3) Sales Order: The Sales Order functions similarly to the Sales ID  and will automatically come in as the same as the Sales ID  however, you can edit this field and make it relevant to your business. This can also be used to find the store you're looking for.


4) Store URL: You create this and make it unique to your group. You can reuse this URL an infinite amount of times but you cannot have two stores either Scheduled or Open at the same time using the same URL. (But don't worry, Chipply will alert you if a URL is already in use)


5) Store Password: You can create a password to only allow those who have the password to enter the store. 


6) Salesperson: This will automatically be assigned to the account currently signed in. When this is changed to another account, the store will then appear on the newly assigned salesperson's Dashboard.


7) Create Automated Emails: This can be defaulted to initially be turned on or off when creating a new store. The automated emails are initially standardized to consist of:

  • Webstore Launch (sent as soon as the store goes live)
  • Order Update (sent 3 days before the store closes)
  • Last Day Order Update (sent 1 day before the store closes)
  • Web Store Closed (sent to the salesperson as soon as the store closes)
  • Abandoned Cart 1 Hour & 3 Hours (sent to customers who get to the checkout page without completing an order)
  • Login Access for Organization Contact (sent to Organization Contact as soon as the store goes live with a generated login and password. This gives the customer a limited view of the success of the store)

8) Hide in Public Dealer List: If turned on, the store will not be listed on the dealer's landing page


9) Hide Bulk Ordering: When turned on, prevents the customer's ability to order multiple sizes of a product all at once.


10) Allow PO: This allows the customer to check out without having to submit a form of payment. This is a popular feature for stores where the organization is paying for the customer.


11) Hide Credit Card Entry: This will prevent the customer from being able to checkout with a credit card. Should really only be turned on when "Allow PO" is turned on or if the store has negative 100% fundraising applied to it.