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Add Products to your stores

How to Add Products to your Store


1) Click on "SEARCH FOR PRODUCTS" to access the Chipply Database of products



2) Under "Style, Name & Keywords", type in all the style numbers of the products you plan to decorate the same. As you add products to your store, you are creating your work order. You can add up to 50 products at a time if you separate each style number with a comma.


3) Make sure to narrow your search and only see the products you were looking for by enabling "Exact Match".


4) Select "APPLY & REFRESH" to show the results of your search




5) The products you searched for will appear in the order they were typed out. If you selected "Exact Match", then your products will already be pre-selected to be added to your store. If all the items returned from the search are accurate, then select "ADD SELECTED PRODUCTS".




6) Chipply will intentionally stop you and ask you to assign your products to a "Process" aka, your Work Order.

7) If you're adding products to an existing process or adding items to "Blank Items" then select the appropriate process from the "Existing Process" drop-down. But if you need to add products to a new process then select "New Process" and give it a title, then select where the artwork will appear on the product. You can select as many artwork locations as you plan to decorate the product with. *Products should only be added to "Blank Items" if the product is intended to be sold without being decorated. Ex Belts, Cleats, Gloves, etc.*



8) Now your products are added to your store!