- Log in to Chipply.
- On the left-hand menu, click Add New listed
beneath ADD STORES.
- A box will pop up with Store Options. Choose the Store Type that applies to your store.
- Type in the Store Name, then click Accept.
- Immediately, you will be taken to the Store Settings page. This page will contain all the important information regarding the store and the group you are working with.
- Please Note: There are 3 fields that MUST be filled out on the Settings page before moving on. These 3 fields are the Organization, Store URL, and Shipping Method. All other Settings page fields can be addressed later if needed
Require Name at Checkout
- When checked, this requires that each customer placing an order for this store will have to enter the name of the person receiving the order.
- The name is then listed on the Packing Slips and Sales Orders for distribution purposes.
- This is extremely helpful in cases where the person ordering has a different last name than the person receiving the order.
- Example: grandparents ordering for a grandchild, or an employee ordering for their coworker.
- This can be set as a default setting in your dealer account, so this always comes in checked.
Hide in public dealer store list
- When checked, the store will not be visible in your store listings for the public to see.
- Your store listings can be found at
- Example: Burghardt Sporting Goods’ store listings can be found at
- Your store listings can be found at
- This can be set as a default setting in your dealer account, so this always comes in checked.
- When checked, the store will not be visible in your store listings for the public to see.
Create dealer default email templates
- When checked, this store will utilize Automated Emails.
- If accidentally left unchecked, you will be asked again when the Store Ready button is clicked. You also have the ability to create these Automated Emails after the store is live.
- This is NOT a default setting in your dealer account.
Allow PO Numbers
- When checked, this will create an entry field at checkout to allow shoppers to bypass payment.
- Often, this is used when a group has a PO number that can be billed. Although it is not limited to just PO numbers, as the entry field allows for letters, numbers, and special characters. This means that when this option is checked, any customer can enter anything in this field to bypass payment, such as their own name.
Hide Credit Card Entry
- When checked, the credit card entry fields will be hidden at checkout.
- This is helpful for stores in which ONLY PO numbers will be utilized, as it lessens confusion for the shoppers.
- This is NOT a default setting in your dealer account.
- Credit Card Entry can ONLY be hidden when PO Numbers are allowed.
- When checked, this will create an entry field at checkout to allow shoppers to bypass payment.
- Sale Order
- Each Chipply store is given a unique Sale Order number. This allows you to keep track of your stores, especially in instances of stores with the same name. You are able to search for stores by this Sale Order number in various search fields throughout Chipply.
- This number can be replaced if you have a different number you use for reference, possibly from a Point of Sale system or other coding system you use in your business.
- Organization *REQUIRED*
- The Organization is the group you are working with. This could be a company, school, hospital, team, or youth organization.
- If this is the first time building a store for this organization in Chipply, you can click Add New.
- Organization Name
- Enter the group name here.
- This can be as generic or specific as you would like!
- Generic Example: Greendale High School
- This works best for schools or companies that have different branches that fall under it (sports, departments, etc.).
- Specific Example: Badger Region Volleyball Association
- This works best for standalone groups that may not have any subsections or divisions.
- Generic Example: Greendale High School
- Branch Name
- If your Organization has a specific team or department, enter that name here.
- Example: Girls Volleyball
- If there is none, leave this field blank.
- If your Organization has a specific team or department, enter that name here.
- Organization Contact First and Last Name, Phone, and Email
- Fill in the information for the Organization Contact as available.
- Try to fill in is much information as possible.
- If the Organization Contact changes from year to year (such as a team parent), no need to fill this out.
- Fill in the information for the Organization Contact as available.
- Once the available info has been added, click Create Organization.
- Organization Name
- If you have already built stores for this organization in Chipply, simply start typing in the Organization field and find the correct organization.
- Organization Branch
- You can either choose from an existing Branch, add a new Branch, or leave the Branch entry blank. If you just created a new Organization for this store and added a Branch, it will automatically fill for you.
- To choose from an existing Branch, click the drop down and select your Branch.
- To add a new Branch to an existing Organization, click Add New. Type in your Branch name and then click Create Branch.
- If no Branch, leave this entry blank.
- You can either choose from an existing Branch, add a new Branch, or leave the Branch entry blank. If you just created a new Organization for this store and added a Branch, it will automatically fill for you.
- Organization Contact
- You can either choose from an existing Organization Contact, create a new Organization Contact, or leave this entry blank.
- To choose from an existing Organization Contact, click the drop down and select the contact name.
- To add a new Organization Contact to an existing Organization, click Add New. Fill out the First Name, Last Name, Phone, and Email as available, and then click Create Contact.
- If no Organization Contact, leave this entry blank.
- You can either choose from an existing Organization Contact, create a new Organization Contact, or leave this entry blank.
- Salesperson
- The Salesperson will automatically default to the person who created the store. If you are building the store for another employee, simply click the drop down and choose a different Salesperson.
- Store Name
- The Store Name will come in automatically from when we initially added the store, but it can be changed here if needed.
- If you did not enter a name when adding the store, this say New Event.
- This will appear within Chipply and also on the customer email receipt.
- The Store Name will come in automatically from when we initially added the store, but it can be changed here if needed.
- This entry field allows you to choose a URL specific to the group you are working with.
- This will come after
- Please Note: There cannot be 2 duplicate URLs stores that have an Open or Scheduled Status. BUT, stores in a Closed, Production, or Complete status CAN have the same URL as an Open or Scheduled store.
- This means that you can name your store URLs based on the group, without the year listed. So, when you copy that store next year, you can use the exact same URL.
- Example: – If I added 2020 to my URL, I would have to change the URL next year.
- This means that you can name your store URLs based on the group, without the year listed. So, when you copy that store next year, you can use the exact same URL.
- Store URLs can only utilize numbers, letters, and underscores (no special characters or spaces).
- Once your URL field is filled in and you click Update on the settings page, your full URL will be listed below the URL box.
- Store Password
- Stores can be password protected so that no one can enter the store and see the products unless they know the password.
- This is not required.
- The contact information is the employee at your company that shoppers will contact if they have any trouble ordering.
- This information is shown at the bottom of the ECommerce page and on the Store Flyer.
- This can be set as a default setting in your dealer account, so that the same employee name and contact info auto fills for every store.
- The information for the Organization Contact should be filled in here.
- Example: Coach, Team Mom, League Organizer, etc.
- If you created a new Organization or new Organization Contact above, this will prefill for you.
- If you selected an existing Organization Contact above, this will prefill for you.
- Please Note: if you are utilizing Automated Emails, you MUST add in the Organization Contact email here in order for them to receive the emails.
- You can enter in more than one email by separating them with a semicolon. All additional emails will be copied on the Automated Emails.
- If you did not choose or add an Organization Contact above, you will need to manually enter this information.
Organization Contact URL and Password
- This link and password will allow the Organization Contact to login and view store specifics including an order summary, individual order details, the store flyer, and E-Certificate information.
- You can change the password to whatever you want.
- This link and password can be set up as an Automated Email to be sent to the Organization Contact after the store goes live.
- This area contains the dates for the store (all listed in Central Time).
- Open Date is when you want the store to go live.
- Please Note: if the open date arrives and you have NOT clicked the Store Ready button, your store will not go live.
- This can be backdated.
- Close Date is when you want the store to close.
- Please Note: This does not correspond with the date the customer sees. You can set the Close Date for a later time than what the customer sees to allow any late orders to filter in.
- Example: The customer sees “Ordering Closes on Monday at 11:59pm”, but the Close Date is set for Tuesday at 9:00am.
- This can be backdated.
- Please Note: This does not correspond with the date the customer sees. You can set the Close Date for a later time than what the customer sees to allow any late orders to filter in.
- In-House Completion Date is when you want the items back from production.
- This date can be the same or earlier than the Estimate Ship Date.
- Padding the In-House Completion Date by a few days will allow time for sorting.
- This is the date that will print out on the work orders.
- This is very important if you are outsourcing.
- Estimate Ship Date is the date that you want the items in the hands of the customer.
- Open Date is when you want the store to go live.
Group Pickup at:
- This is letting your internal employees know that the group will be handling distribution. This captures any of the scenarios in which the group distributes.
- That includes group contact picking up from your store, you delivering the orders to the group contact, or drop shipping all the orders to their location for the group to distribute.
- If drop shipping, you will have to bill the group on the back end for the shipping amount. You are able to add in an Organization Fee for this which counteracts fundraising.
- When checking out, the customer will see “Pick up at” and then the Organization of your store will be listed.
- Example: The Organization is Greendale High School, so the customer will see “Pick Up at Greendale High School”.
- Packing Slips and Sales Order Slips will say: Organization Delivery.
- This is letting your internal employees know that the group will be handling distribution. This captures any of the scenarios in which the group distributes.
Allow In-Store Pickup
- This is for instances when customers will be picking up their own individual orders at your business location.
- When checked, the branches of your business will be listed below. If there is only one branch, only the one will be listed. Please choose the branch(es) that customers will be able to pick up at.
- You will still need to choose the branch if you only have one branch.
- When checking out the customer will see “Pick up at” and then whichever branch you have chosen. This means they know that they will be picking up their items at one of your locations.
- Example: “Pick Up at Burghardt Sporting Goods Brookfield”.
- Packing Slips and Sales Order Slips will say: “In Store Pickup Location: branch” and where it says branch it will say the branch of your business.
Allow Shipping
- This option will allow customers to have their order(s) shipped to their individual houses.
- Standard flat rate shipping options are already created in your account, but you can always add more options on a flat rate or tiered basis.
- When checking out, customers will see “Ship directly to me”.
- When they choose this option, additional fields will show up for their shipping information, and they will have the ability to use the same information as their billing. They will not see the shipping cost until the final checkout page.
- Packing Slips and Sales Order Slips will say: Customer Delivery.
- Default Product Tax Type: Set the tax type for all products on the store through this feature. If certain products need to be changed to a different tax type, they can be changed on the Product Spreadsheet.
- Flat Percent
- All products will be taxed the same flat percent.
- Auto
- Tax will be calculated through a table behind the scenes at the rate for the location in which the goods exchange hands.
- If only Group Pick Up, all products are taxed the same. If there are different options available for Shipping and In Store Pick Up, tax rates will vary based off of where they will be receiving their items.
- Tax will be calculated through a table behind the scenes at the rate for the location in which the goods exchange hands.
- Tax Exempt
- Products will not be taxed.
- Flat Percent
- Shipping Tax Method
- Flat Percent
- All shipping will be taxed the same flat percent.
- Auto
- See Note above regarding Auto Tax.
- Tax Exempt
- Shipping will not be taxed.
- Flat Percent
- Handling Tax Method
- Flat Percent
- All Handling Fees will be taxed the same flat percent.
- Auto
- See Note above regarding Auto Tax.
- Tax Exempt
- Handling Fees will not be taxed.
- Flat Percent
- Tax Methods are a default setting in your account.
- Handling fees are charged to the shopper who is placing the order.
- This can either be a flat fee or a flat percentage.
- This is often used to combat the Chipply Fee and Credit Card Processing fee or charging for sorting.
- This can also be set as a negative if you would like to credit customers for a certain amount at checkout.
- This can be set as a default setting in your dealer account, so a standard Handling Fee is automatically created in every store built.
- This can either be a flat fee or a flat percentage.
- Organization Fees are charged to the group on the back end of the sale.
- This can either be attached generally to the store itself or can be attached to specific Processes on a per product basis.
- General Fee Types:
- One Time Fee
- Per Order Flat Fee
- Per Order Percentage Fee
- Process Based Fee Types:
- One Time Fee
- Per Product Flat Fee
- Per Product Percentage Fee
- General Fee Types:
- This is often used to charge for new artwork creation or for not meeting minimums on logos.
- This can either be attached generally to the store itself or can be attached to specific Processes on a per product basis.
- Organization Fees are charged against the fundraising on the store. If no fundraising, the net total will come to a negative amount.
- Organization Fees can be set as a negative to credit certain amounts back to the group.
- This can be set as a default setting in your dealer account, so a standard Organization Fee is automatically created in every store.
- Order Instructions will let the customer know more info about their order. It is best to include some info about no returns or exchanges, as well as when and how they will be receiving their items.
- Example: “All orders are final - there are no changes, returns or exchanges on custom team products. Orders will be delivered to you through Greendale High School in Mid-October.
- This note shows up just before they get to the billing page, at the final checkout page, on their email receipt, and on the Store Flyer.
- This can be set as a default setting in your dealer account, so the same Order Instructions come across in every store, rather than having to re-type this info for each store.
- You can require an agreement to these order instructions so that they must check “I have read and accept the above note” before they can complete their order, which will help with any customer issues later.
- Store Notes is the field where you can enter any notes that are needed for internal employees only. The shoppers and Organization Contact will not see this note.
- Example: There are sizing samples, remember to charge for E-Certificates at store close.
- This can be set as a default setting in your dealer account.
1. To save, click UPDATE in the top right corner.
- You can choose up to 6 colors to be used in the theme for the store.
- If you know exact hex codes, you can type them in. Otherwise, you the color picker feature.
- For the first 2 colors (Headers and Slide Image Background) *Do not select white. Text is hidden in some areas when white is selected.
- You can upload a Store Logo.
- This will typically be a generic logo for the group.
- Example: Main high school or hospital logo.
- This logo is shown next to the store name on the Ecommerce page.
- This logo will print out on the Sales Orders Slips.
- This logo is also used on your store listings page (
- To add a store logo, choose the file from your computer and then click Upload.
- This will typically be a generic logo for the group.
- Dealer Logo (Shown in the top menu bar)
- You can choose between showing one of your dealer logos or just using your dealer name on the Ecommerce page.
- If you have multiple dealer logos uploaded to your account (up to 3), you can pick and choose which logo to show on your store.
- If deciding to show a dealer logo, it will display on the top menu bar as well as at the bottom of the page.
- This logo will also show on your sales order slips, work orders, and store flyer.
- Webstore Closing Information (this is included on Store Flyers and email communications)
- This field is where you can tell the shoppers when the store is closing.
- This is a Rich Text field, allowing you to customize the font, color, and size.
- This can be different than the actual store Close Date to allow for any late orders to come in after midnight.
- This information will show up on the Store Flyer and some Automated Emails.
- This can be set as a default setting in your dealer account, so the same Webstore Closing Information will come across in every store, rather than having to re-type this info.
- Chipply automatically has this set as a default for you to display “Ordering Closes on XXXXX at 11:59pm” so you only have to change the X’s.
- This field is where you can tell the shoppers when the store is closing.
- Additional Information and Terms
- These text entry fields will fall below the Webstore Closing Information.
- This is a Rich Text field, allowing you to customize the font, color, and size.
- Add in any information that you think shoppers should know when arriving at the store.
- Test out both of these fields and figure out what you like best for the branding pages of your stores.
- Terms can be set as a default setting in your dealer account.
- These text entry fields will fall below the Webstore Closing Information.
- You can upload a Slide Image.
- This is similar to a banner image.
- This image is larger and appears at the top of the page, below the store name.
- Examples of Slide Images: Team photo, generic sports banner, etc.
- You can upload a Slide Image.
- The Slide Logo is layered on top of the Slide Image.
- This image will typically be another logo for the group.
- Example of Slide Logo: New 2021 Full Front png.
- Slide Header displays the Store Name.
- This auto fills from the Store Name when adding the store.
- You can rename this if needed. This can be different than the Store Name on the Settings page.
- This is a Rich Text field, allowing you to customize the font, color, and size.
- The Slide Sub Header gives more specifics regarding the Slide Header.
- This is a Rich Text field, allowing you to customize the font, color, and size.
- Example Slide Header: Greendale Football
- Example Slide Sub Header: 2021 Spirit Wear
- Include Fundraising
- When this box is checked, the amount raised in Fundraising will be shown on the Ecommerce page. This amount is automatically updated as more funds are raised.
- Fundraising Goal
- You can enter a Fundraising Goal that will be listed on the Ecommerce page. This can encourage shoppers to buy more items to reach the goal.
- Slide Video
- A video can be added to the Ecommerce page.
- Add the URL for a YouTube video in this field and it will automatically be embedded on the Ecommerce page.
- When a Slide Video is utilized, it will replace the Slide Image and Slide logo.
- Examples of Slide Videos: company promo ad, game winning point for high school team, etc.
- A video can be added to the Ecommerce page.
- Include Countdown
- You have the ability to add a countdown clock on the Ecommerce page to show the store close.
- Countdown Close Date: The date you would like to show the store close.
- This can be different than what is listed on the settings page.
- Countdown Close Time: The time you would like to show the store close.
- This can be different than what is listed on the settings page.
- The countdown clock is set for Central Standard Time, but will adjust to the time zone of the shopper’s device. So adjust the time according to your time zone.
- Eastern Time Zone customers should set the countdown clock to 10:59 pm (this will list the time as 11:59 pm for shoppers).
- Mountain Time Zone customers should set the countdown clock to 12:59 am (this will list the time as 11:59 pm for shoppers).
- Pacific Time Zone customers should set the countdown clock to 01:59 am (this will list the time as 11:59 pm for shoppers).
- Click Update to Save.
PRODUCTS - Adding products to the store
- When adding new products to your store, make sure to click the drop down of Search for Products.
- There are 3 different tabs to search for products: Chipply Products, Templates, and Your Products.
- On this tab, you will be searching within the Chipply Product Database. Only the vendors turned on in your dealer account will produce results.
- The product database contains products that we have custom built or that are coming from an inventory feed.
- These products will contain inventory (if applicable), sizes, colors, description, size charts (if applicable), MSRPs, product images, and a binding box where the logo will fall 90% of the time on the product.
- When searching, you can search by Style, Name, & Keywords for products.
- Style can be also considered as MFG, Model Number, or SKU.
- You can search for multiple SKUs at a time by separating with commas.
- You can do a general search, or you can use the exact match feature.
- When doing a general search, you can type in any keywords associated with the product.
- Example: Search the word “Electrify” when adding the short sleeve and long sleeve Electrify collection from Holloway.
- When you know the EXACT SKUs you want to offer on your store, type them out and click the Exact Match button.
- This will narrow down your results to ONLY the products that you searched for.
- The products will be preselected for you.
- They will appear and be brought into your store in the order that you typed them.
- Please Note: Products with the exact same SKU might show up multiple times in your results.
- Example: 8000 will show up from both SanMar and S&S.
- When doing a general search, you can type in any keywords associated with the product.
- You can expand you search results to up to 50 to display more results.
- You have the ability to filter by vendor.
- Once you have entered the search criteria, click Apply & Refresh.
- If you would like to see inventory levels for a products or other info before adding it to the store, you can click the More Info button for a summary.
- Once you have your products selected, you can add them to your store in 2 different ways:
- Add individual products by clicking the Add button beneath the product.
- Add products in bulk by clicking Add Selected Products once your products are selected.
- Please Note: Products with the same decoration should be added together.
- Add individual products by clicking the Add button beneath the product.
- On this tab, you will be searching within the Chipply Product Database. Only the vendors turned on in your dealer account will produce results.
- You can add a category or full store from any template.
- Select Template Type: choose from My Templates or Chipply Templates.
- Select a Template: choose from the available template stores.
- Template Category: choose the category you want to bring into your store. If the Template Store is not separated into categories, you can just bring in All Products.
- Click Copy Template Category.
- You can add a category or full store from any template.
- You can add any products to your store that you have offered in other stores on Chipply.
- This is great for custom built products.
- Example: Window decals and sublimated uniforms.
- This is great for custom built products.
- There are a couple different filter options for Your Products:
- Organization or Store
- Narrow down you search by which organization or store the product was built under.
- Style, Name, & Keywords
- Search for the product with any available info.
- Vendor
- Filter by vendor to find the product.
- Example: Filtering by ProTuff will give decals you have used from that vendor.
- Filter by vendor to find the product.
- Copy Store Category or Add products
- To add products to your store from Your Products you can either copy an entire store category (same as Templates) or add products individually or bulk (same as Chipply Products).
- Please Note: if copying a store Category or all products, you will be prompted to choose a Category option.
- To add products to your store from Your Products you can either copy an entire store category (same as Templates) or add products individually or bulk (same as Chipply Products).
- Organization or Store
- You can add any products to your store that you have offered in other stores on Chipply.
- When adding products to your store, a box will pop up prompting you to Copy or Assign a Process. This is where you begin to build your work order.
- You will always have the option of a Blank Items Process. But if the product(s) you are adding will be decorated, ALWAYS create a New Process or add to an existing Process that is not Blank Items.
- Chipply Products will come across with a binding box placed on the product, where the logo will fall 90% of the time. If these product(s) are added to Blank Items, the binding box is removed. If these products will be getting a logo that you add later, you will have to re-place each logo onto the product.
- When creating a New Process, think about “the process of how these items are going to be decorated”. Name the Process accordingly.
- Example: T-Shirts will typically get a Full Front logo, so name the Process “Full Front”.
- Once your New Process is named, click Import Products (bottom left).
- If there is already a Process created in your store that your product(s) will be added to, simply choose it from the drop down and click Import Products (bottom left).
- Newly added products will be listed here. If you need to edit an individual product, you can do so from this page.
- Do you need to add a Custom Product to your store? See our Tutorial on adding a Custom Product.
- The Product Spreadsheet allows you to manage your products all on one page.
- This is designed to mimic how stores used to be built: with an Excel Spreadsheet.
- Product information is separated by various columns on the spreadsheet, and there are many functions that can be performed, all listed below.
- Active
- This determines whether a product will be shown on the Ecommerce page.
- Sort
- This is the order in which the products will appear on the Ecommerce page. You can change the order by changing the numbers that appear.
- Pro Tip: If you want a product to fall in a specific spot, you can actually use decimal points to make it appear between 2 products.
- After saving, numbers will be defaulted back to whole numbers.
- This is the order in which the products will appear on the Ecommerce page. You can change the order by changing the numbers that appear.
- Product Name
- The product name is editable from this field if you need to change something.
- Vendor/Style
- Vendor and Style are listed in this column. Style is editable from this field, while vendor is not.
- Sizes & Colors
- To choose color(s) and/or size(s) for a product, open the color/size grid by clicking the circle button with the pen in the middle.
- This button will be red when no color(s)/size(s) are selected.
- This button will also be red if the product color/size that is chosen does not have a product image.
- Check the color(s)/size(s) you want offered on the web store.
- Chipply will only offer the colors/sizes you have clicked.
- Example: This means that you can offer small and medium in all colors, but if small royal is unavailable, you can turn off that color. Shoppers will not be able to place an order for small royal, but they can place for small in all other colors.
- Chipply will only offer the colors/sizes you have clicked.
- Inventory will be shown if applicable to the product and vendor feed.
- If there is an inventory feed showing for the product, you can utilize Feeds Based Quantities.
- Feeds Based Quantities will offer a color/size if checked and there is inventory available. If that color/size shows an inventory of zero, it will not be offered on the store. If the product gains inventory in the middle of a store, that color/size will then be offered.
- If there is an inventory feed showing for the product, you can utilize Feeds Based Quantities.
- You can also set your own inventory quantities by typing the inventory amount on the line.
- When you type your dealer defined inventory level, the line will turn lime green.
- Once the last available quantity of a color and size is ordered, no one else can order that product.
- To choose color(s) and/or size(s) for a product, open the color/size grid by clicking the circle button with the pen in the middle.
- Process
- This column displays which Process the product is attached to. You can change the products Process up until the product has been added to someone’s cart.
- Categories (if applicable)
- If categories have been created in your store, they will appear here. You can assign a product to one or multiple categories/packages.
- To learn how to add Categories to your store, see our Categories Tutorial.
- Hide Opts
- When checked, options will be hidden on the Ecommerce page for this product.
- Example: The Full Front Process has an optional name attached, so all items getting a full front screen print will have that option listed for the customers. If you do not want to have names on the back of the racerback tanks, instead of having to create a new Process for it, you can just click Hide Opts.
- When checked, options will be hidden on the Ecommerce page for this product.
- Product Cost
- This is YOUR cost as a dealer – the amount you pay for the product.
- Active
- This can be set as a dealer default percent based off MSRP.
- This does not affect the sell price at all; it is really only for back-end reporting if you want to see what margin you are making. You can leave this at 100% of the MSRP.
- Product MSRP
- This comes in with the Chipply product.
- This is not editable here.
- Auto Pricing will use this number for discounting.
- Product Price
- This is Auto Priced based off of you dealer default settings.
- If the Product Price is highlighted yellow that could mean 2 things:
- The price listed does not match the Auto Pricing in your dealer default settings.
- This happens when you copy a store or template.
- The price listed is 100% of the MSRP – even if that is what is listed in your Dealer Default Settings.
- Chipply wants to alert you that you have not discounted this product AT ALL.
- The price listed does not match the Auto Pricing in your dealer default settings.
- If the Product Price is highlighted Red, that means that it is set to $0.00.
- Chipply wants to alert you that you are not charging the customers for this item.
- A pop-up notification will also alert of this you when you save.
- If the Product Price is highlighted yellow that could mean 2 things:
- This is Auto Priced based off of you dealer default settings.
- If utilizing the Process Price, then your Product Price will be the price of the blank product being sold to the group.
- If NOT utilizing the Process Price, then your Product Price will be the cost of the blank product to the group, plus the cost of decoration.
- Process Price
- The price of the decoration.
- Not editable here – only inside the Process.
- Combined Price
- This is the combination of the Product Price and Process Price.
- Essentially, this is what you are selling the product to the group for.
- This is not editable as it is a calculation.
- This is what your Chipply Fee is charged on.
- Fundraising ($) Dollar Amount and Fundraising (%) Percentage
- The Fundraising ($) Dollar Amount field allows you to enter a dollar amount of fundraising that will be added to the product.
- The Fundraising (%) Percentage field allows you to enter a percentage of fundraising that will be added to the product.
- These 2 fields will override each other.
- This amount is not included in the Chipply Fee.
- Sell Price
- This is the final price of the product to the customer.
- This does not include additional options like names or numbers, or other charges like tax, handling fees, and oversize charges.
- This is the final price of the product to the customer.
- If you update this number, it will add or subtract from the Fundraising ($) Dollar Amount field.
- If you need to adjust the amount to the group, do so in Product Price.
- If you update this number, it will add or subtract from the Fundraising ($) Dollar Amount field.
- Set Fundraising
- You can set all products on the store to have the same fundraising dollar amount or percentage.
- If most products are getting the same amount of fundraising, set all of them with this feature and then make one-off changes to the ones with different fundraising amounts.
- You can set all products on the store to have the same fundraising dollar amount or percentage.
- Set Auto Pricing
- You can change the discount amount based off your different Tiers in your dealer default settings.
- Set Fundraising
- This applies to all products in the store.
- Select Products for More Actions
You can select individual products or select all products on that page and perform more actions.
- To select all products on the page, click the check box in the top left.
- Please Note: This will select ONLY the products that are on the current page of the spreadsheet. If you need to make changes to products on another page, you will need to do that separately.
- To select all products on the page, click the check box in the top left.
- To select individual products, click the check box to the left of the product image.
- Once selected, buttons will show up at the bottom of your screen with the different available functions.
- Copy
- You can copy the selected product(s). The newly copied product(s) will show up last in the spreadsheet and highlighted green.
- Copy
- Delete
- You can delete the selected products.
- A box will pop up double checking if you want to delete the product(s).
- If a product has been ordered, you cannot delete it.
- You can delete the selected products.
- More Actions
- Change Process
- You can change the Process of the selected items in bulk.
- Please Note: A Product’s Process cannot be changed if that product has been added to someone’s cart.
- You can change the Process of the selected items in bulk.
- Change Feeds Based Quantities
- You can turn Feeds Based Quantities on or off the selected product(s).
- Change Required
- You have the ability to display a placard on the product to show that it is required. You can turn this on or off on the selected product(s) through this function.
- This does NOT make the product actually mandatory to be ordered.
- Show/Hide Vendor
- This allows you to hide the vendor of the products on the Ecommerce page.
- Show/Hide Style
- This allows you to hide the Style of the products on the Ecommerce page.
- Show/Hide Vendor & SKU
- This allows you to hide both the vendor and the Style of the products on the Ecommerce page.
- Move Products
- This allows you to arrange your list of products in bulk, by moving a selection of products before or after a given sort number.
- Change Process
- Pricing
- Set Fundraising
- This allows you to update the fundraising on ONLY the selected products.
- Set Tax Type
- You can change products to a different tax type than what is listed on the Settings Page. Your tax options are Flat Rate, Tax Exempt, or Auto.
- Set Fundraising
- Delete
- Search, Filter, and Order: You can Order, Filter, and/or Search the spreadsheet to edit products. Searching and Filtering shows ONLY the chosen criteria, whereas Ordering your spreadsheet will show all products in a specific order.
- Search: Style, Name, & Keywords
- Type in product information to narrow down specific items in your store.
- Filter: Vendors
- Filter by specific vendors.
- Filter: Category (if applicable)
- You can filter by specific categories (and items that are uncategorized) if these are in your store.
- Filter: Process
- Filter products based on their Processes.
- Order by – this arranges your product based on the selected criteria, but just on spreadsheet. This does NOT put the products in a different order on the Ecommerce page. If you would like to rearrange the product on the Ecommerce page, do so with the Sort column.
- Sort Order
- The spreadsheet defaults to this: Ordering by Sort Number.
- Sort Order
- Search: Style, Name, & Keywords
- Vendor Name
- This will list all products alphabetically by vendor.
- Process Name
- This will list all products alphabetically by Process.
- Product Name
- This will list all products alphabetically by name.
- This is great for when you have a product on the store listed multiple times.
- Price Low to High and Price High to Low
- These are based off sell price and will put the products in order based off their price.
- When you have finalized the selected criteria for filtering, ordering, and/or searching, click the Search button.
- To clear these options, click Clear.
- Vendor Name
- Export
- You can export the information to an Excel spreadsheet.
- The export includes the Product Name, Style, Vendor Name, Combined Price, Fundraising, and Sell Price.
- You can export the information to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Save
- Click Save to save the Product Spreadsheet.
- Or, it will also save if you navigate away from the page.
- You will add New Artwork or Edit Existing Artwork here.
- You can also copy existing artwork.
- This is where you add Options.
- Option – Name (Text Field)
- The customer can type their name.
- Chipply will provide a black NAME PNG.
- Options – Number (Text Field)
- The customer can type a number.
- Chipply will give a black ‘00’ PNG.
- Option – Option Group (Drop Down List)
- You give them the options they can choose from.
- Example: Graduation Years
- You give them the options they can choose from.
- Option – Exclusive Option Group (Drop Down List)
- You give them the options they can choose from, but once an option is chosen, it goes away.
- Example: Uniform Numbers
- You give them the options they can choose from, but once an option is chosen, it goes away.
- Option – Name (Text Field)
- When you bring in a product and add a new Process, the Chipply placeholder artwork will come across. Simply replace this artwork by clicking Edit.
- Artwork Name
- This comes across from when you create the new Process while adding products.
- This can be renamed.
- Type Code
- This is a code for describing the artwork.
- Example: Burghardt’s uses PR2 if it is a 2-color Screen Print.
- This does not need to be filled in if you do not use a Type Code.
- This is a code for describing the artwork.
- List the colors of the decoration here.
- Ink colors, thread colors, grip colors etc.
- Example: Gold/White
- This will come across on your Work Orders and in Color Assignments so it is important to fill out.
- List the colors of the decoration here.
- List the color of the garments on which the artwork will be decorated.
- This will come across on your Work Orders and in Color Assignments so it is important to fill out.
- If there is only one Color Variation, the Garment Color can be listed as “On All”.
- Replace the Chipply Artwork
- Click Choose File.
- Grab the file from your computer.
- Click Save.
- Do you have multiple Color Variations?
- Then click Add New.
- Next, fill in corresponding info for your second (and third, etc.) Color Variation(s) and upload the image(s).
- Then click Add New.
- Save when done.
- You can add a new Process from scratch.
- You can search within your dealer account and add a previously used Process to your store.
- You will always have Blank Items to use and you cannot edit this Process.
- The Process that was created when adding products will come across here.
- There is brief overview of how many products are attached to each Process and which Artworks/Options are inside the Process.
- There are 3 things you can do with the Process:
- Copy
- If you want to set up a Process that is very similar to an existing Process, with just a few minor changes, you can copy it and make those few tweaks to the newly copied Process, without having to start from scratch!
- Edit Layout
- This is used for adding an additional logo to an item
- Example: Front of Sleeve Logo or Back Logo
- This is used for adding an additional logo to an item
- Edit Definition
- You will use this page most often when editing anything on the Process.
- This contains the important contents of the work order.
- Copy
- Internal Process Name
- This comes across when you create the new Process while adding products
- This can be edited.
- Internal Process Description
- Add any notes here to appear on the work order the production team.
- Example: “Special glitter ink is used. See salesperson with any questions.”
- Example: “Use small screens on youth hoodies.”
- Add any notes here to appear on the work order the production team.
- Process Tag (this will attach to the product description, e.g. embroidery)
- This tag is displayed on the Ecommerce page to help shoppers understand how their items will be decorated.
- Example: For left chest decorated items, add “Screen-Printed Logo” or “Embroidered Logo” so customers know what to expect.
- This tag is displayed on the Ecommerce page to help shoppers understand how their items will be decorated.
- The Artwork that was created with the Process when the products were added will be listed here.
- You can change the Artwork to something else by clicking the dropdown and selecting the correct artwork.
- PLACEMENT lets you know which image of the product (Image 1=front, Image 2=back, or Image 3=side) the artwork is showing on.
- Please Note: This is important for back logos and sleeve logos.
- EXTRA $ is your Process Cost
- This is the price of the decoration.
- This will show on up the Product Spreadsheet.
- These notes only show up inside the Process (not on the Work Orders, etc.).
- Add notes regarding this specific artwork that will appear on the work order.
- This is important for instances of products being decorated with 2 logos.
- Example: Print on back of shirt.
- Add New Artwork
- Adding a new Artwork means that products on this Process will be getting an additional logo decorated on the product.
- *If you need to change the logo that is going on the product, do NOT add a new Artwork and delete the old. Instead, use the drop down menu for the artwork and select the correct artwork.
- This is where you offer names and numbers, or other Options to the Process.
- See the Options Tutorial to add to your Process.
- Click Save and Stay to keep working.
- Click Save and Go Back if you are done.
- If you have multiple Color Variations, you will need to let Chipply know exactly which colors are going on which products.
- For info on assigning Color Variations, see our Color Assignments Tutorial:
- This page is great to review the products on the Ecommerce page and make sure they are displayed exactly how you would like.
- You can adjust the logos on the products.
- Click Edit Image Layout.
- Adjust logo location where necessary.
- You can move the logo by clicking and dragging the binding box.
- You can resize the logo by clicking the triangle in the bottom right corner of the binding box and dragging it to make the box smaller or larger.
- You can tilt the logo by sliding the Artwork Rotation bar on the left side of the screen.
- Click Save Product Layout and close out of the box when done.
- Click Edit Image Layout.
- Set certain product colors as the default display on the Ecommerce page.
- Click the color tile (beneath the image) of the product color you want shown on the Ecommerce page.
- Then click Set Display Image.
- The Store Ready button lets Chipply know that the store is ready to go and that no more changes need to be made.
- Store Ready vs Launching the store
- Chipply will look at both the Store Ready status and the Open Date in order to make the store live.
- If the Open Date arrives, but Store Ready has not been clicked, the store will not go live.
- This is a failsafe in case you still have Artwork or pricing that needs to be updated. The store will not go live because it is not “Ready”.
- If you click Store Ready, but the Open date has not arrived, the store will not go live.
- This allows you to set up stores ahead of time that are not ready to launch yet. You can click Store Ready and then not worry about launching it later, as it will automatically go live once it hits the Open Date.
- If the Open Date arrives, but Store Ready has not been clicked, the store will not go live.
- Chipply will look at both the Store Ready status and the Open Date in order to make the store live.
You have the ability to Create Dealer Default Email Templates if you forgot to do so on the Settings Page. If this was checked on the Settings page, the bubble will already be filled in here.