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Rearrange the Products

How to Rearrange the Product's Order


If you want to display the products in a particular order you can drag and drop the products into the order you wish to display them.


1) Select Product Spreadsheet from the Left-Hand Menu


2) Select and hold the dotted handle to the left of the product image


3) Drag the product to the desired position then drop and your product will be in its new spot



How to Reorder Products if they are in a Category


To rearrange the products after they've been assigned to a category, it's easiest to do so after filtering the Product Spreadsheet by one category at a time. 


1) Select Product Spreadsheet from the Left-Hand menu


2) Select  at the top of the Product Spreadsheet


3) Select a Category you wish to rearrange


4) Select and hold the dotted handle to the left of the product image


5) Drag the product to the desired position then drop and your product will be in its new spot


*The "Sort Number" is the order the products appear on the Sorting Lists*