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Store Wide Actions

Store Wide Actions Functionality Explained 


Store Wide Actions gives you immense power and performance by allowing you to apply a function on all the products in the store and future products brought into the store.




A) Choose Colors and Sizes


Select the colors and sizes you wish to offer on all the products in the store in one place instead of having to click into each and every product individually.

See Selecting Product Colors and Sizes in Bulk for a more detailed explanation.


B) Set Fundraising


Setting the fundraising here will apply either a dollar amount or a percentage of fundraising on all the products in the store, regardless of how many pages of products you have in your store. It will also apply that dollar amount or percentage to any products you bring into the store after you've set the fundraising under "Store Wide Actions".




*Fundraising in Percent* Please note: if you need to apply a fundraising dollar amount in the form of a percentage, make sure you have completed and finalized all your "Product Price" before setting the percentage


C) Set Auto-Pricing


Auto Pricing applies a customized Vendor "discount" to all products within the store. You have 4 different tiers to choose from to apply here. Depending on the client you could offer a more conservative pricing margin or aggressive pricing margin. See Auto-Pricing Explained for a more detailed explanation.


D) Set Tax Type



Setting the tax type under  will give you options on what specific tax type you want to apply to all the current products in your store, as well as, future products brought into the store.



Auto tax type will charge the customer a sales tax on the product price based on either the zip code of the dealer's business or the customers shipping address.

*Please note, Chipply is unable to differentiate the difference between apparel and "hard goods". So if your state only taxes on "hard goods" you will want to designate all apparel items "Tax Exempt" and "hard goods" as "Auto" for the most accurate tax collection.


Flat Percentage



After selecting "Flat Percentage" as the tax type option, you will be prompted to input the rate you wish to tax the customer on the product. Again, this will apply the inputted tax rate to all the products in the store, as well as any future products added to the store.


Tax Exempt


When "Tax Exempt" is selected, the products will not accrue a tax charge at checkout.


E) Set Use Inventory Thresholds



After you select "Set Use Inventory Thresholds" the pop-up above will appear and you will want to make sure the box is checked off then select, . This will have limit the product sizes and colors offered to customers based on their inventory selection. For more details on this feature see the Utilize Inventory Thresholds Help Page.


F) Use Size Upcharges


Size Upcharges will automatically default to be turned on. However, if you wish to turn them off for the entire store you can come here to remove the Size Upcharges on all the current and future products within the store.



To remove Size Upcharges, simply unselect the already checked box and select .


G) Set $0 Sell Price Display


If you are offering products to customers at no charge to them, but will be billing the group or company after or as the store runs, you can customize how that comes across to the customer. *This only applies to products with a $0 "Sell Price"*


If you wish to have the entire store be a $0.00 Sell Price store, see "-100% Fundraising Store" Help Page.


Display As $0


This is the default and will display the products as $0.00 to the customer.


Do Not Display


When this option is selected the products with a $0.00 sell price will display nothing underneath it for pricing.


Custom Label



After selecting "Custom Label" you will be prompted to type in a specific message you wish to display to the customer on all the products with a $0.00 sell price. For example "Product Paid for by Company", "Product Included in League Fee", etc.