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Auto Pricing Explained

Auto Pricing Explained and How to Use It


Auto Pricing is a great tool for keeping price margins consistent and for making pricing products fast and easy.


All products in Chipply are given a MSRP and when brought into the store the price will either default to the product's full MSRP price or round up to the nearest quarter from the product's MSRP. (Unless your dealer default settings are different. You have the option to have the product's price round up or down to the nearest quarter, half-dollar, $0.99, or dollar)



When an Auto Price Tier is applied to the products it will give a predetermined "discount" off of the product's MSRP. (This "discount" can be set under "My Account" --> "Dealer Settings" --> "Vendor Pricing" (If you wish to update your vendor discounts, reach out to or call the team at (262) 202-8129 to make sure they are set up correctly.)


How to Apply an Auto Price Tier to Every Item in the Store & Future Added Items


1) From the Product Spreadsheet select 


2) Select 


3) From the "Change Auto Pricing" Menu, select which tier you wish to apply to the products and future added products



4) After you've selected your tier, select  to apply the discounts to the MSRP



Now the product's price is given, in this case, a 15% discount off of the Vendor's MSRP and rounding up to the nearest quarter. In theory, this would be the price you would feel comfortable selling the product without decoration. 


5) To get the products to your final "Sell Price" you would go to the Processes page and add a "Process Price" to the artworks. Your Process Price will be determined based on the type of artwork being applied to the product. EX. We will charge $3.00 for a one color print. If it were a 2 color print we might charge $5.00. The more complicated the decoration the more the price will most likely be. This is how we can price items that are going to be printed a different price than items that will be embroidered. This will be added to the product's price creating the "Combined Price" column. This should now be your final "Sell Price" or at least very close to it, minus any fundraising.