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Utilize Inventory Thresholds

Utilize Inventory Thresholds


When the Inventory Thresholds feature is turned on, Chipply will manage what product sizes and colors are offered to the customer's automatically based on the product's inventory. If a product's inventory falls below your "Tolerance Threshold" then that specific size/color will not be offered to the customer. These "Tolerance levels" can be managed and updated by you. You also have the flexibility to have different "Tolerance levels" per vendor.  The product's offerings will also update as the product's inventory updates. Meaning, if a product's inventory is below the threshold one day on the store and the next time inventory updates to be above the threshold, then the product's specific size/color will now be offered to the customer, without you having to do anything.




How to Turn on Inventory Thresholds in your store


There are 3 ways you can turn on Inventory Thresholds. You can either turn it on for individual products, a select group of products, or for all the products in your store.


How to turn on "Inventory Thresholds" for Individual Products:


1) Select Product Spreadsheet on the Left-Hand menu


2) Select the  on the product you want "Inventory Thresholds" to be on


3) On the top left of the choose colors and sizes box, Select 



How to Turn on "Inventory Thresholds" for a Select Group of Products:


1) Select Product Spreadsheet on the Left-Hand menu


2) Select all the products you want utilizing "Inventory Thresholds" (with the check box to the left of the product image)



3) Select 


4) Select   


5) Select the hollow box to turn on and select 




If you utilize the "Inventory Thresholds" feature in your account, you will also notice that some of the sizes are highlighted in red. Any size you see highlighted in red means, it's under your "Inventory Threshold" or "comfort level" and will be shut off until the inventory gets higher than what your threshold is set as.


How To turn on "Inventory Thresholds" for your Whole Store:


1) Select Product Spreadsheet on the Left-Hand Menu


2) on the top right of your screen click 


3) Select Set Use Inventory Thresholds


This method is great for whenever you bring a template into your store and want to see the percentage of colors and sizes available for each product.

Once "Inventory Thresholds" is turned on, you will now see a percentage sign underneath the . Chipply is letting you know what percentage of the colors and sizes you choose are above your threshold.

Keep in mind, if updating Inventory Thresholds for a group of products or for the whole store, only products that come from a feed vendor will have this feature turned on. Other vendors that do not provide an inventory feed will not utilize Inventory Thresholds, and you will have to check their inventory manually. Click here for a list of our integrated vendors.

You can tell which products in your store are utilizing Inventory Thresholds based on the next to the product image.