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Exporting Options


Below is a video tutorial of exporting Options to an Excel file. You can also find a step-by-step guide listed below.




1. Go to the Work Orders page.

2. Check the Processes for which you want to export the Options.

3. Once the Processes are checked, click the Export Options button.

a. The export will show up as a zip file download at the bottom of your browser or in your downloads.

b. Open the Excel spreadsheet inside of the zip file.

4. The Options export will include various information that could be needed for adding personalizations to items. Any of these columns can be removed if they are not needed for your personalization procedure.

a. Vendor Name

b. SKU

c. Product Name

d. Color Name

e. Size Name

f. Order ID

i. The customer Order ID will be listed here in case you need to go back to their order for reference. 

g. Variation Name

i. This information is filled in on the Artwork page inside the Option. It is the color of the personalization going on the item.

ii. Example: Gold Grip.

h. Work Order Notes

i. This information is filled in on the Artwork page inside the Option. It is the color of product that is getting personalized.

ii. Example: on Royal items.

i. Item Qty

i. Keep an eye out for multiple quantities.

j. Option Note

i. This is filled out inside of the Process and contains more information about how the products will be personalized.

ii. Example: NAME, 2" Standard Back

iii. *Please Note: Any information entered in the Sort Note under Backorders/Substitutions will appear here. This will keep everyone in the loop in case of instances where products are backordered and missing during the time of decoration. 

k. Columns containing the personalizations: This will fill with what you entered in the customer notes for this option inside of the process (ex. Name on Back, Number on Item). 

5. Your columns containing personalizations have been set up to keep the text EXACTLY as the customer typed. So you're ready to go!

a. This means that any double-zeroes '00' for uniforms will be kept as such.

b. We recommend copying and pasting this information rather than retyping, to reduce the chance of error.


PLEASE NOTE:  There are 3 columns that you can get rid of as they are for back-end Chipply reporting purposes only. These are OrderItemID, SortOrder1, and SortOrder2.