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Failed Orders

Failed Orders

Chipply makes it easy to see why an order has failed.

Find the customer’s order through Order Manager. You can do this by searching customer info or you can filter the Order Status to Failed. When you find the customer order, you will be able to see the order listed as Failed.


Two different response codes will be shown: The Bank/Credit Card Response and the ETG Response (Ecommerce Response Codes), which come from the Credit Card Processor.

There are two ways you can proceed to complete the order:

  1. You can complete the order through Order Manager: The customer can provide accurate information so the card won't fail, or even provide a new card. The Failed order will then be changed from Failed to Paid. When completing an order from order manager there is no address verification when entering in the CC information.
  2. The customer can place a new order with accurate information or a new card: The customer can go to the web store and complete a new order with updated information to fix the fail or use a different card. When the order is placed correctly, it will show up as a Paid order in Chipply. The Failed order will remain as Failed and will not be included in the store totals.