Color Assignments Page!
You can now update Color Assignments in bulk! For example, if you have an artwork that's going on Red and Grey garments you can now select all of the different Red and Grey product colors in your store. Then you can select which artwork variation you would like those garments to have (This new update is a similar action to bulk updating products in the Product Spreadsheet).
How to:
1) Select the product colors that will be getting the same color variation assigned.
3) From the Assign a Variation drop-down, select which color variation is going on which garment colors.
Another new feature is the Decoration Color Filter. This can be helpful if you want to bulk update a specific Color Variation, or if you only want to display the Product Colors that have yet to be assigned. Or, you can filter by a decoration color to make sure all of the correct product colors have been assigned.
You can also use the ARTWORK ASSIGNMENTS BY PRODUCT tab to double-check your work. Go to this tab and then scroll to verify the correct variations are assigned to the correct products.
If you have any questions about the new update, please feel free to reach out!