How to Add Categories to the Store
Adding Categories to your store is a great way to organize all the products into more palatable sections.
1) Select Categories from the Left-hand menu
2) Select
2a) Choose whether you want to add all your categories all at once or just one at a time
3) "Quick Add Categories" (Adding multiple categories all at once)
3a) Click in the "Quick Add Categories" box and begin typing in the names of the categories you wish to display on your store, on a separate line.
4) Adding categories one at a time
4a) Select the next to "Categories at the top then enter your category name under the "Name" column. (repeat this step as many times as needed)
5) Select
Assigning Multiple Products to a Category at Once
1) Go to the Products Spreadsheet
2) Select each item you wish to assign to one category
3) Select from the lower menu
4) Select
5) Select "Change"
6) Select the category you wish to assign the selected products to
7) Select
Assigning Single Products to a Category
After creating categories a new column will be created on the Product Spreadsheet, alerting you which products have not yet been assigned to a category. If you don't have many products on your store it may be faster for you to assign products to a category individually.
1) Select
2) Choose the category the product belongs to
3) Click outside of the box to confirm the selection