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10/11/2022 Tuesday Tip - Message Customers Through Order Manager

Message Customers Through Order Manager

Chipply now gives you the ability to message a customer right from Order Manager. This is great for emailing the customer regarding any order additions, refunds, or general order updates.

To Message a Customer:

1) Find their order in Order Manager using the search and filter options


2) Click SELECT to enter the order


3) On the left-hand menu, click Message Customer


4) You will now be inside the Message Customer(s) page of the store. From here, you can select an email template from your account. Or, you can create a custom message for the customer utilizing the merge fields


5) Fill out any other necessary information like Email Subject, Additional Recipients (coach, salesperson, etc.). This is automatically scheduled to be sent right away, however you can push out the date/time if needed


6) Click SEND. You will then be taken back to the customer order in Order Manager


Need help setting up an Email Template in your account? Reach out and we can help!