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5/30/2023 Tuesday Tip - View Transaction History for Customer Orders

View Transaction History for Customer Orders

Each order within Chipply has a left-hand menu option of Notes and Transactions. This page displays the date/time of the initial transaction and any monetary updates that have been made throughout the life of the order. This is helpful in case you ever need to look back and see when an item was refunded or if a customer had an error while placing an order on a web store.


How to Access Notes and Transactions:


1) Search for the order through Order Manager.


2) Click SELECT to enter the customer's order.


3) Click Notes and Transactions to see the transaction history for that order.

Notes and Transactions Explained

Transactional History:

This section will show the history of the transactions. The date/time of the initial purchase will always appear. Additionally, if any subsequent refunds or changes take place on the order, you'll be able to see the date/time of those as well.


Internal Notes:

You are able to add any notes here regarding the transactions. Along with adding your own notes, other notes can appear here as well, such as order failure error codes (example: invalid credit card number).