1) Go to Products on the left-hand menu
3) On the top of the section select TEMPLATES
4) From the "Select Template Type" drop-down select "Chipply Templates" or "My Templates", if you have any set up.
5) Next, Select a template from the "Select a Template" drop-down (Chipply has set up different templates with popular vendors and color options).
6) Now, Select a Template you want to copy from the "Template Category" drop-down. Chipply has many pre-loaded template categories to choose from. "Store" categories have a large selection of products to bring in to your store. (some up to 60 products) The '"Lite"' stores offer the "basics" to get your webstore started.
7) Once you have your Template selected along with your category picked, select COPY TEMPLATE CATEGORY.
8) Chipply will now bring you to a screen you are familiar with. You can either add the template to your store with a new category, an existing category, or with no categories.
9) Once you’ve decided where you want the template to go, select
10) Chipply will then ask you to assign these products to a process. Chipply pre-groups the products into suggested process names. They will be either "Full Front Print", "Left Chest/ Left Leg EMB", and "Hat EMB". You can either create a new process and rename the processes to fit your fulfillment needs or if you already have the processes set up in your store, you can select them from . If not, you can create a new process for each group of products. Then select IMPORT PRODUCTS.
11) The products will now be added to your store. You just have to add artwork (if you haven't already), check inventory, and update pricing on your products, and this store is ready to launch!