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Order Your Products by Other Attributes

How to Order the Products in your Store by Other Attributes


Sometimes you might find it helpful to view your products grouped by something other than their sort number. On the Product Spreadsheet, you can sort the products based on their vendor, product price, process name, tax type, or product name. This is especially helpful if you are trying to make edits to the products in bulk that have something in common with one another.


1) Select Product Spreadsheet from the Left-hand menu


2) Select the  dropdown to open up the different options to sort the store by.




3) Simply select what attribute you want your products to be sorted by and the products will now show in the order you selected


How to Sort the Products by their Tax Type


1) Select the 3 vertical dots to the right of "Sort Order"



2) Select which "Tax Type" you'd like to filter by



3) After you have made this selection, select  to apply the filter