How to Upload Multiple Color Variations
There will be times you will want to display a different version of the artwork based on the color of the garment. This situation can be achieved through "Artwork Variations".
1) Select Artwork from the left-hand menu
2) Select on the artwork you want to add the different color variations to
3) Select (This will open up your computer files where you can select the PNG file of the artwork)
4) Select one of the artwork versions you wish to upload from your files
5) Select This will duplicate the row and allow you to upload a secondary artwork by repeating steps 3 & 4. You can repeat this as many times as you need.
6) We suggest typing in the colors involved in the artwork under the "Decoration Color" and the colors the artwork will appear on under the "Garment Color". The information you type in here will appear on your work orders for your production team to see exactly what colors are involved with the artwork. Also, make assigning the color variations to the products easier and (See example below)
6) In the 'Standard Color' column, choose the color that corresponds to the garment on which you'd like the variation to be applied.
7) Select
If you have any garment colors that don't fall under our "Standard Colors" umbrella, then the products may look like this on the store.
This is a good indicator we need to go to the Color Assignments page. See this help page to efficiently put the correct artwork on the correct garment colors.