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Activate/Deactivate a Category

How to Activate/Deactivate a Category


There may be times where you don't want to delete items from a store or deactivate all the items manually. If the products are in a category you can hide them all together by deactivating the category. As well as reactivate them from a previous store if it was copied.


1) Select Categories from the Left-hand menu


2) Select the  next to the category you wish to either activate or deactivate


3) Select the "Active" box to make the category "Active" or uncheck the box to make the category "Deactive". Making the category "Deactive" will hide the products from the store front and won't allow the customers to purchase those items.



4) Select 



You can preview the category is either active or inactive as soon as you get to the Categories page by looking at the "Active" column