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Tips and tricks to scheduling



1) Open Date: The open date will default to the day the store is created or copied. If this date isn't changed and the store is made Store Ready, the store will open immediately. If you set this date to a future date and the store is made Store Ready, then the store will stay in the "Scheduled" category on your dashboard but it will say the "Yes" under "Store Ready" (see below) and then will open automatically to the date/time it was set to.


2) Close Date: This will set the day the store will close and stop accepting orders. *Pro Tip - If the group wants to close the store on a Sunday night, we suggest setting the store to actually close on the following Monday around the time you get into the office and start looking at closed stores but you can display to your customers the store is closing on Sunday night to keep the sense of urgency with placing orders. This can help avoid the inevitable early morning calls asking for the store to be reopened for late orders to be placed.


3 & 4) Open & Close Date: These will set the exact time you want the store to open or close.


5) Production Due Date: The due date is completely internal and only appears on the Work Orders. Your customers would not see this date. This field is useful in communicating with everyone when the products should be completed and back from production, keeping everyone on schedule. 


6) Ship/Deliver Due Date: This date is also internal and is not seen by the customer. This date is to communicate when you would like the completed products shipped/delivered/ready for pick-up.