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Store Status

Everything you need to know about Store Status

Updating the store status is a great way to organize and communicate with your staff and customers about the progress of the store. Note: The "Store Status" also dictates where the store can be found on the dashboard



1) Scheduled: A "Scheduled" store is essentially a draft store. It is your "work-in-progress" store. Any changes can be made to a "Scheduled" store and the store will stay "Scheduled" until it is made "Store Ready". You can set the store to "Open" for a future date by making the open date of the store a future date and time then making make the store "Store Ready". The store will then open on the date and time you scheduled it to. *The store will never open unless you click "Store Ready".*

^ What a store set to open for a future date will look like on your dashboard.


2) Closed (Ready To Process): When the store reaches the scheduled close date, it will automatically be moved to "Closed Ready To Process". Once the store is closed, no more orders can be placed on the store. If the customer requests to have the store reopen and you have not begun processing and placing orders on the store then you can update the close date to a future date and the store will be open againIf you have begun processing and placing orders on this store then you should copy the store instead of reopening the store. By doing this you will keep the original orders and the new orders separated.


3) Production: By moving the store into "Production", you are communicating with your sales team the store should not be changed or reopened. When the store is in "Production" you are now placing orders on the products and have begun producing the orders.


4) Sorting: When the store is categorized into "Sorting" you are letting your team know the products have come back from production and are being sorted and packed into their individual orders.


5) Complete: When the order is done being sorted and is either ready for pick up or delivery, the store can now be set to "Complete".