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Quick Setup

After starting a new store there are a few fields necessary to fill out before leaving the Settings page.


1) Create a Store URL - You create this unique URL for the group to access. This URL can be reused an infinite amount of times however, you cannot have two stores, either Open or Scheduled, using the same URL at the same time. (But don't worry, Chipply will alert you if the URL is already in use)


2) Enter an Organization - This should be the title of the group you are working with. Ex. Johnson High School Boys Basketball, Smithville Little League, Benton Girls Softball, etc. You can either search for an existing organization or create a new one. When searching for an existing organization you can start typing in the organization's name and the organization should appear as an option to select. If you need to create a new organization you will need to select the blue plus button. Then you will be prompted to enter the name of the organization and the zip code of the organization's location. (This is for future tax purposes)


- Selecting an existing organization



- Creating an Organization




3) Distribution - Here you can select one, all, or any combination of the three distribution options.



These are the necessary fields needing to be completed before leaving this page. You can always come back and make any additions or changes when you have more information.