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Slide Image

Selecting Pre-Loaded Slide Images or Uploading Your Own


Chipply has many pre-loaded Slide Images for you to choose from, adding to the theme of the Web Store or you can upload your own.


Selecting a Pre-Loaded Slide Image


1) Select  the "Select a Chipply Slide Image" dropdown and choose a Slide Image from the list provided.


2) Select  in the upper right-hand corner to apply the Slide Image to the storefront.




Uploading Your Own Slide Image


If there isn't a Slide Image to fit your needs you have the capability to upload your own image. We suggest the ratio be 1200 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall. If you create a slide image wider that 1200 pixels, Chipply will shrink it down to fit the space. If you create a Slide Image taller than 300 pixels, it will push the products down the page to fit the image.


1) Select  under "Slide Image"

2) Choose the file from your computer's documents

3) Select