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Create a Unique E-Cert Code

How to Create a Custom/Unique E-Cert Code


If you need to generate a custom E-Cert code for customers, there are two ways you can achieve this. Your custom E-Cert code allows up to 20 alphanumeric characters to create your own custom E-Cert.


Add a Custom E-Certs in Small Batches


1) Select "E-Certificates" on the Left-Hand Menu


2) Select 


3) Select 


4) Enter the customer's name (optional), the unique E-Cert code, the value of the E-Cert (required), and the customer's email (optional)


5) If more E-Certs need to be added, select  and repeat step 4


6) After all E-Certs have been created select 


7) If the customer's email address was entered you can now email the customer's unique E-Cert code directly to them *See more details on emailing customers here



Add Custom E-Cert from Upload


1) Select "E-Certificates" on the Left-Hand Menu


2) Select 


3) Select 


4) Select  to generate the E-Cert template Excel Sheet


5) Enter in all the customer's names, unique E-Cert codes, customer email (optional), and dollar amount for each person. (Hopefully this can be copied and pasted from another Excel sheet with all the information provided to you)


6) Save the Excel file to your computer 


7) Go back to Chipply and select 


8) Upload the Excel file you just saved and select