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Chipply Updates - Product Spreadsheet

Please watch this video to get more information on the new Product Spreadsheet Updates!

Product Spreadsheet Updates

We've made updates to the Products Spreadsheet! With these updates, we've removed the Products page and Review page from the left-hand menu and included their actions on the Product Spreadsheet. See all of the updates below!


Design Updates

There are design updates for some of our buttons – we’ve changed these buttons to icons instead, to allow for more space! To find out what a button does, simply hover over it to see its function. See the list below:

More Actions, Pricing, Copy, Delete, Filter/Search, Customize, Export, Preview, Save, and Add.


View All Products on One Page

There is no more “paging” on the Products Spreadsheet, meaning that you don’t have to go to page 2 or page 3 to see more products. Instead, if you have a lot of products on your store, you can scroll to see more. 


Speed Dial Options

Our “speed dial” hosts the buttons to customize the product spreadsheet. See below for what they do. 


Menu button – Closes/Opens the left-hand menu


Filter/Search – opens the filter and search options. These have stayed the same. 


Customize Columns – New! You can hide/show columns on the spreadsheet specific to what you are currently working on. 

Add Products

Click the plus button on the product spreadsheet to add products.

Add a Custom Product:

On the add products page, click the top right icon to add a custom product to your store. Fill out the information as you normally would. 


Chipply Products and My Products

These are grouped together, toggle between the two to find the items you need. 


Chipply Templates and My Templates

Toggle between Chipply Template and My Templates. Click the Preview button to view a template before adding it to your store.


Edit Product

To edit an individual product, hover over the product on the spreadsheet, then click the Edit button on the right. This is great for adding a sizing chart to the product, editing the description, or uploading your own custom image. 



With the review page gone, you can now review the products in two different ways on the Spreadsheet: on individual products or in bulk with Review Mode. 


Review Individual Products

Hover over an individual product and click the Review button on the right.


Review Mode

Review all products on the store by clicking Review Mode.


Review Updates

The Edit Image Layout box can now be accessed through the gear icon on the product image.

Click the checkbox to choose which of the product images you want to be the default on the store. This is great for products with back logos!


Want to hide additional images? Click the eye icon! That specific image will then be hidden from the shoppers.

We’ve added the option to easily show the artwork to the shopper. To display the artwork on the store, click the eye icon to display as ‘showing’.

Randomize Display Colors: you can now randomize the display colors of the products on your store. This means that if all products on your store are defaulting to the grey image, you can use this feature to mix up the different display colors on your store to show more options than just grey.