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Swapping Artwork

How to Upload Your Artwork Over the Default Chipply Artwork


When you bring in products and assign them to a process, Chipply automatically places a default artwork on the product location you selected when bringing the products into your store. Follow the steps below to replace the default Chipply Artwork with the artwork you wish to display on the products.


1) Select Artwork from the left-hand menu


2) Select  on the artwork you wish to replace. (Be sure to select the correct artwork based on the location it was assigned to)


3) Select  (This will open up your computer files where you can select the PNG file of the artwork)


4) Select the PNG file you wish to upload


5) We suggest typing in the colors involved in the "Decoration Color" box  and the colors the artwork will appear on in the  "Garment Color" box. The information you type in here will appear on your work orders for your production team to see exactly what colors are involved with the artwork. (See example below) 



5) Select 


6) Once the artwork is uploaded it will replace the Chipply Logo in the preview box and will now appear on all the products assigned to that Artwork.